Liana was looking for a recording studio where she could create meditation recordings to pair with a book she had written on Chakra balancing. She wanted to work with a local producer who had similar views and insights, not just in business, but in life in general. Liana and Solar Powered Studios were a perfect match!
Her project with Solar Powered Studios is the 7 Day Chakra Awakening Journey, where participants can activate their creativity, awaken their passions, and manifest abundance with guidance from Chakra-guided meditations, attuning elixirs, healing foods, and daily affirmations.
Listen to an excerpt from the Throat Chakra meditation here.
Click here to check out the program and all of the magnificent meditations.
Learn more about Liana
Liana is a Holistic Wellness Professional with 20 years of experience and backed by 21 certifications/degrees in health, healing, and wellness. She is also a wonderful mom and major animal lover. Her practice, Meraki Wellness, is located at 1850 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, MN.
Some of her offerings include Private Yoga, Energy Balancing, Intuitive Bodywork, Holistic Nutrition, and Soul Purpose Discovery Coaching. Visit the Meraki Wellness website to learn more and set up your free Holistic Wellness Reading.
Q&A with Liana:
What Charitable causes/organizations are you involved with?
“Farmaste Animal Sanctuary and The Wildcat Sanctuary”
What is something you do to save energy or reduce emissions?
“I moved my office to within a half mile of my house so I could walk to work daily."
What is your favorite thing to do in the sun?
“Pretend to be a cat!”
We saw that you are working on some product collaborations as well...can you tell us about those?
"I am offering custom, limited edition jewelry in collaboration with Ashley Nichole Designs from Minneapolis, MN; Vagina Incense Holders from Token Moment, based out of Brooklyn, NYC; and Organic & Wildcrafted Tinctures from Habitual Ritual, based in St. Paul, MN."